Bhopal: Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that under the Deendayal Rasoi Yojana, food will be available at Rs.5 per thali instead of Rs.10. Mobile kitchens will soon be started in urban areas to provide food to labourers at an affordable rate near their work place. All the urban bodies of the state will be covered under this scheme. Deendayal Rasoi Yojana will be started in state’s Nagar Panchayats with a population of more than 20 thousand.
CM Chouhan inaugurated the third phase of Deendayal Rasoi Yojana at Kushabhau Thackeray Auditorium, virtually inaugurated permanent Rasoi Kendras in 66 municipalities of the state and started distribution of land pattas for housing to more than 38 thousand homeless persons. The CM inaugurated the programme with kanya pujan and lighting of the lamp.
No poor will remain without land and home
Chouhan said that we believe that whoever has come to earth should have land to live. Pattas are being given to the poor in the village under the Chief Minister’s Land Rights Scheme. Even in cities, no person will be left without land to live on. 23 thousand acres of land in the cities has been freed from mafia, on which Suraaj colonies are being developed. With the aim of providing housing to maximum number of families, arrangements have also been made to build multi-storeys. A campaign has been started to provide pattas to the occupants till the year 2020, they will also be given houses.
Pray for good rain in the state
Chief Minister Chouhan said that we are running a family and not a government. We are a family of 9 crore people. Their happiness is our happiness, their sorrow is our sorrow. Chief Minister Chouhan appealed to everyone to pray to God for good rains in the state. Till now the dams of the state have not been filled due to the rains. The demand for electricity is increasing, efforts are being made to fix all the arrangements. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that everything goes well.