Kolkata, June 11 (UNI) West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday said that the “Yogyashree” scheme which was started to provide completely free-of-cost training to SC/ST students of the state for admission in Engineering and Medical courses would be extended for boys and girls of Minority, OBC and General categories across the state.
” We are proud that our “Yogyashree” scheme which we started to provide completely free-of-cost training to SC/ST students of the state for admission in engineering and medical courses has been yielding increasingly greater and greater benefits for our SC/ST boys & girls. Now we shall include the boys and girls of Minority, OBC, and General categories also in this scheme,” the Chief Minister said in a statement.
In 2024 alone these “Yogyashree” trainees got 23 ranks (including 13 IIT seats) in JEE (Advanced), 75 ranks in JEE( Main), 432 ranks in WBJEE, and 110 ranks in NEET. The achievements in these tough competitive examinations are better than even the earlier years’ results, she added.
” In consideration of the value of this critical training support to our disadvantaged boys and girls, we have increased the number of centres in the State now to 50 and number of our supported trainees to 2000 and the training will be given from Class XI onwards for better preparation.
” Let our boys and girls from the weaker sections be Engineers and Doctors in larger numbers. We shall now include students of Minority, OBC, and General categories also in this scheme. Kudos to them!,” the CM concluded.