Three people get life due to brain dead organ donation

  • Wife voluntarily agrees to donate organs, body decorated with flowers
  • Police salute by playing band

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
Sushma Awasthi, who was sitting in the corridor of the hospital hoping for the recovery of her husband who was injured in the accident, was praying every moment that her husband should somehow get well. But, there was no improvement in the condition of husband Rajesh.

Ultimately the doctors declared him brain dead. After this, the family was motivated to donate organs. The family voluntarily agreed to donate the organs. After the consent of the family, the process of organ donation was started. During the procedure, the patient’s kidney and liver were found eligible for donation. This information was informed to the State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (SOTTO). SOTTO donated the liver to Bansal Hospital and both the kidneys to two private hospitals in Bhopal. After which, new life was given to three needy people with the organs of 53-year-old patient Rajesh Awasthi, who donated his body at Super Specialty Bansal Hospital in the capital. According to the information, 53-year-old patient Rajesh Awasthi, resident of Bhopal, was admitted to a private hospital in Bhopal in emergency condition after a road accident on November 24. Serious injury and hemorrhage were found in the brain. After medical examination including clinical examination and apnea test, he was declared brain stem dead by the Brain Death Certification Committee of Bansal Hospital consisting of 4 doctors including neuro-surgeon and intensivist, authorized specialist. After the completion of the organ donation process, Rajesh Awasthi’s body was brought out of the hospital. The entire corridor of the hospital was decorated with flowers. Before handing over the body to the family, the hospital management honored Rajesh’s wife Sushma and family. During this, the police band played a tune and saluted.

Were injured in an accident on 24th November

On November 24, 53-year-old Rajesh Awasthi, who was injured in the accident, was admitted to Bansal Hospital in a critical condition. There were deep wounds on his head. CT scan revealed that along with head injury, brain hemorrhage had also occurred in the accident. The Brain Death Certification Committee of four doctors including neurosurgeon and intensivist, authorized expert, declared him brain stem dead after conducting medical examination including clinical examination and apnea test. Kidney and liver were donated!

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