Bhopal: Former CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan, BJP candidate from Vidisha Lok Sabha constituency, said during a public address in Budhni district on Saturday that ‘Dilli ja raha huin, picture abhi baki hai’. (I am going to Delhi, the picture is not finished).
Shivraj said that this is a testing time for Budhni. He urged the residents to re-elect someone who has worked for the constituency. He said we should actively participate in the elections.
Shivraj said, “You yourself become Shivraj and get involved in elections. There are three days left in the elections, give 3 days to your Mama and I will serve you for 5 years.” Former CM Shivraj said, “Don’t worry… I am going to Delhi, the picture is still pending.”
The political implications of Chouhan’s statement stem from his significant role in the BJP’s success during the Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections in 2023, attributed in part to his Ladli Bahna Yojana.
Despite initial expectations of Chouhan returning as the state’s Chief Minister, the BJP leadership appointed Mohan Yadav instead, hinting at a potential shift for Chouhan to a prominent role in Delhi. Speculations suggest that he might receive a significant responsibility at the Centre, aligning with the direction indicated by Chouhan’s recent statements.