There is a basement under Dargah, Temple under domes

  • Hindu side makes big claims regarding Dhar’s Bhojshala

Chronicle Reporter, Dhar
The Hindu side has made a big claim amid the ongoing ASI (Archaeological Survey of India) survey in Bhojshala. Gopal Sharma from the Hindu side says that there is a basement below Kamal Maulana Dargah. Also, there is a temple of Lord Hanuman under one of the two domes.

Dakshineswar Mahadev Shivalinga was established under the second dome. The ASI team is also conducting a survey in the sanctum sanctorum. It is to inform that on the orders of Indore High Court, a scientific survey is being conducted on the lines of Gyanvapi in Dhar’s Bhojshala. Sunday was the 22nd day of the survey. 22 officers-employees of ASI team, 27 laborers and 3 members of both the parties reached the premises at 8 am. The team had modern equipment. Survey is being conducted in the Bhojshala premises and within its 50 meter radius with the help of excavation, GPS, GPR, high level photography-videography and other modern technologies. A large number of police forces are deployed here. Gopal Sharma from the Hindu side said that 437 tombs are not tombs, they are the mausoleums of Naths. Sharma said that the 437 tombs in Dhar city are the mausoleums of Naths. Kamal Maulana came in 1269, moved to Ahmedabad in 1305, his tomb is built behind the old GPO office. 300 years after his death, in the 16th century, Mohammad Khilji and Mohammad Gauri brought bricks from there and demolished both our temples and built a tomb, there are many examples.

Five thousand students used to study here

He said- Similarly, Qutub Minar was built by demolishing 27 Hindu and Jain temples, Akbar had established the religion of God. Some Sufi saints were prepared. The same Sufi saints had converted under the guise of service by visiting Hindu temples of the country. Today those 30 thousand places have been deprived of Hindu temples and converted into mosques and the Hindu society has been humiliated. There is also a banquet hall in it. The form of the Bhojshala of the era of Raja Bhoj will be seen. 5 thousand students used to study in the Bhojshala of Dhar. 1300 Acharyas used to impart knowledge.

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