UN Security Council must intervene to stop Israeli aggression: Maulana Madani

New Delhi, Oct 15 (UNI) Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind president Maulana Arshad Madani on Sunday condemned Israeli aggression on Gaza and said that Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind (JUH) has been a supporter of every struggle for the protection of Jerusalem, Palestine and Gaza from day one and it still stands with Palestine.

In a statement issued here, Madani said. “Israel is an usurper country that has usurped the land of Palestine with the support of some world powers and they are now about to eliminate the existence of the Palestinian people from this land.”

Condemning the Israeli army’s aggression on Gaza, he said that this war is part of Israel’s permanent terror plans. “In the end, as a natural reaction, the Palestinians showed extreme courage and bravery and launched a counterattack on the tyrant Israel, that Israel could not even imagine,” he said.

Madani said, “JUH considers the attacks on Gaza as a serious attack on human rights and strongly condemns it. It is a pity that today even those countries of the world are silent on this cruelty, which claim to be leaders of global peace and unity, and the international organisations that constantly pretend to raise voice for human rights are also silent.”

He has appealed to all the world leaders to come forward to immediately stop the ongoing tragic war in Gaza and the dangerous bombardment on the population. He said that the Security Council of United Nations, the Muslim World League and other influential international organisations should intervene without any delay and make positive and effective efforts to establish peace there.

The JUH president said that If this does not happen, the range of this war may increase, and it may engulf the entire world. He also expressed deep regret that on the one hand innocent civilians are being killed and on the other hand the recent meeting of the Security Council of United Nations has failed due to the indifference among few major powers.

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