Tribals oppressed by scams: Ragini

  • National spokesperson of Congress targets state government

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal

Congress national spokesperson Dr. Ragini Nayak, while addressing the press conference organized at the state Congress headquarters, said that Madhya Pradesh, a state with 22 percent population of tribal sisters and brothers, is at number one position in oppression and exploitation of tribals.

The period of oppression, atrocities and crimes against the tribals in the entire country has progressed by double the day and quadruple during the 18 years of the Shivraj Singh government. Ragni said that just a few days ago we had exposed a scam of Rs 10 crore in the Forest Department. Not a week has passed and now we have to look at a possible scam of Rs 500 crore. So what happened in Madhya Pradesh is that for the first time in history, the Forest Department decided to hand over every work related to plantation, from digging pits, to forest conservation, to CAMPA fund to contractors, then Vijay Shah ji, he is very famous in the matter of scam, he wanted this decision to be taken for the last 2 years and was trying his best.

The forest department officials were trying to stop it in some way or the other, as soon as the elections were near, this decision was taken secretly 3 days before the code of conduct and contracts worth about Rs 1445 crore were confirmed in the forest system.

22 percent tribals in the state

Ragni said that we have 22 percent tribal brothers and sisters in the state and they should show Shivraj Singh Chauhan the way out as soon as possible. In Katni, a tribal girl is raped, her head is crushed and she is thrown in the drain, after three days the body is found, the family says that FIR is not registered. At some places, tribal youths are tied to teachers and beaten, at some places they are garlanded with shoes and at some places the entire family is buried in the ground. The Congress government is coming to end the condition of the tribal brothers and sisters in Madhya Pradesh and I assure that as I said, we will bring a new era for the tribals, if there is heaven anywhere then it is here; we will bring it to the soil of Madhya Pradesh.

Contractors will decide the future

All this work which used to be done now will be done by contractors, so what harm will it cause to the tribals? Wherever there has been contracting in the Shivraj government, there has been commission of 50 percent. The daily wage of Rs 370 that the tribals get is approximately Rs 500 crore in a year. Now how to use this Rs 500 crore. Now who will decide whether the regional tribal brothers and sisters will get this benefit or not? This will not be decided by the government, this will be decided by the contractors. As you all know very well, wherever there is a contractual system, there is a system of profiteering.

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