Stern action to be taken against those involved in exam paper leak: Yogi

Lucknow, Feb 25 (UNI) Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday said those behind the paper leak in the police recruitment examination will be taught a fitting lesson, serving as a notable deterrent for such elements in the future.

The warning came after the announcement of the scrapping of the exam by the Uttar Pradesh government on Saturday.

Speaking at Lok Bhawan during a programme to distribute appointment letters to the candidates selected for about 1,800 posts in various departments through fair and transparent means, the CM described playing with the future of the youth by unscrupulous elements as a national sin.

He said, “We have always believed that if the recruitment process is not transparent, it amounts to playing with the future of the talented youth, forcing them to migrate. Doing injustice to the youth is a national sin. Therefore, we adopted a zero tolerance policy against such elements from day one, dealing with such elements in the strictest and harshest manner whenever such a situation arose.”

Yogi said that these deceitful individuals were using technology to carry out their nefarious designs, reiterating the government’s resolve to foil all such attempts.

Congratulating the youth selected in different departments for joining the services of the state, he said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision is also the mission of the double engine government.

“The government is working with full commitment to ensure that every youth gets his rights in a fair and transparent manner. As a result in the last 7 years, more than 6 lakh youth have been provided jobs in the government departments of the state in a fair and transparent manner,” he said.

Mentioning investment proposals of Rs 40 lakh crore received during the UP Global Investors Summit held last year and the launch of projects worth Rs 10.24 lakh crore during the Ground Breaking Ceremony 2024, the CM said that the projects launched during GBC will provide employment to 34 lakh youths on its completion.

He said, “Earlier, these youths used to go to Maharashtra, Delhi, Bengaluru, Tamil Nadu in search of jobs and employment, but today they do not need to go anywhere as they are getting jobs in their own district and their own state.”

Yogi appealed to the newly selected candidates to fulfill their responsibilities honestly and focus on the development of the state and the country, contributing to the realisation of the concept of developed India while demonstrating sensitivity towards the poor and the underprivileged.

He said, “You reach your office on time and complete the tasks on priority. Do not leave any file pending. Often due to procrastination, a pile of work accumulates, derailing the work and exposing those responsible to disciplinary action.”

The CM said, “You have reached this milestone with the love and blessings of your parents, teachers, friends and well-wishers. But, this should not be considered a destination. It’s time for you to put in your best efforts. Your hard work and good performance in the first 10 years of your job will also decide the roadmap for the future of your department.”

Cabinet Minister Swatantra Dev Singh, AK Sharma, Minister of State Dr Daya Shankar Mishra ‘Dayalu’, Mayankeshwar Sharan Singh, Dinesh Khatik, Ramkesh Nishad, Additional Chief Secretary Energy Mahesh Kumar Gupta, Additional Chief Secretary Appointment and Personnel Devesh Chaturvedi and other officials of the state were present. Senior administrative officers and newly selected youth were present on the occasion.

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