Bhopal: Chief Electoral Officer Shri Anupam Rajan said that Lok Sabha elections will be held in four phases in the state. The second phase of voting will be held on April 26. He informed that the second randomization of EVMs for five Lok Sabha constituencies has been completed on April 12. The randomization took place at the Lok Sabha Parliamentary Constituency Headquarters in the presence of the candidates/their representatives, observers and the Returning Officer in Tikamgarh (SC), Rewa, Khajuraho, Damoh and Hoshangabad. Second randomization will be done separately in Satna Lok Sabha constituency, by visiting the FLC of an additional Ballot Unit (BU) due to the large number of candidates here.
Emphasizing the need to take strict security measures at vulnerable and critical polling stations, he said that the Election Commission has now given permission to install cameras equivalent to 75 percent of the total number of polling stations for webcasting as per requirement. Cameras for webcasting can also be installed inside and outside the polling station.