Scheduled Castes endure the brunt of misrule by Congress

  • Union Minister, State President address meeting of Scheduled Caste Front

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
Congress ruled the country for 70 years, but only cheated the people in the name of development. Scheduled castes and minorities had to bear the brunt of 70 years of Congress misrule.

When Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar became the President of the Constituent Assembly of India, the Congress prevented him from entering the Lok Sabha under a conspiracy. BJP is working for poverty-free India, so we have to win elections on maximum seats in Madhya Pradesh. Union Minister and State Election In-charge Bhupendra Yadav, State President and MP Vishnudutt Sharma, State Organization General Secretary Hitanand Sharma said this while addressing the meeting of Scheduled Caste Morcha at the party office on Sunday.

Union Minister Bhupendra Yadav said that in the political history of India, many parties and parties were formed, whose aim was to spread disharmony by making people fight with each other, but the aim of BJP was proper development of every class. In the 70 years of the Congress, along with the backwardness of the country, there was a big loss to the Scheduled Castes, because the Congress has only done vote bank politics.

All-round development plans are our strength: Vishnudutt Sharma

Vishnudutt Sharma said that the Congress has done only corruption during its rule. Mr. Bantadhar’s government made the state a sick state. Whereas, Vallabh Bhavan had become a center of brokerage during the 1.25 years of Karpatnath’s government. They only made false promises to the public. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Chouhan, the double engine government has brought about all-round development of the country and the state.

Work to win 26 thousand booths

State Organization General Secretary Hitanand Sharma said that BJP is such a party in the history of India, which has declared candidates 100 days before the elections. While the Congress was saying for the last 6 months that our list is about to come, but that list got stuck in factionalism. We have preparations at the grassroots level for the elections and we are moving ahead with it. We have to prepare for the elections with firmness at the booth level. For this we have to pay attention to the causal actions. The Scheduled Castes Front is going to have a big responsibility in the elections.

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