Registration of 505 patients in free urology camp

Bhopal: 505 patients have registered their names for treatment in the 98th free urology camp since Saturday at Sewa Sadan Eye Hospital located in Sant Hirdaram Nagar. This includes 365 male and 140 female patients. The process of preliminary check up, pathology tests, X-ray and sonography tests of registered patients has been completed.

Dr. Jitendra Amlani, Dr. Amish Mehta and Dr. Mrs. Dhruti Kalsaria, who came from Rajkot, have arrived here and started identifying patients fit for operation. The surgeries of the identified patients will be done from 28th to 30th September 2023. Preliminary examination of the patients were done by Dr. C.P. Devani and radiologist Dr. Deepak Jhangiani. A patient having age group of 90 years and names of two youngest children of age group of one to five years have also been registered for treatment and surgeries if required.

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