Praveen Saxena becomes City Congress president

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal,
Organizational changes have been made in Bhopal City Congress just a day after its candidates on all seven seats for the assembly elections were announced.

Bhopal City Congress President Monu Saxena has been removed and two-time councilor Praveen Saxena has been made the district president. This information has been given by Rajiv Singh, vice president and organization in-charge of State Congress. It has been said in the appointment letter that the appointment has been made on the instructions of All India Congress Committee General Secretary KC Venugopal and State Congress President Kamal Nath.

Praveen Saxena is the younger brother of engineer Sanjeev Saxena. Sanjeev was contesting from the South West seat of Bhopal. Due to this the screw got stuck on the seat. After this, late Thursday night the party declared MLA PC Sharma as its candidate for this seat. Experts say that the state Congress has stopped Sanjeev Saxena’s younger brother from rebelling by giving him the post of Bhopal city president. However, no statement from Sanjeev Saxena has come out till now since the release of the second list of Congress.


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