Police station in-charge should take a walk in city markets

  • Police Commissioner gives instructions to keep an eye on social media

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
Police Commissioner Harinarayanachari Mishra reviewed crimes in the city while holding a meeting of all gazetted officers and station in-charges on Tuesday.

In this meeting, held in the Police Commissioner’s office, the CP has instructed all the station in-charges to take a walk with the force in the crowded markets and sensitive areas. During the review meeting, Additional Police Commissioner Awadhesh Goswami, Pankaj Srivastava and all DCPs, Additional DCPs, ACPs and station in-charges were present. Police Commissioner Mishra reviewed the pending cases and asked the concerned personnel to resolve the cases as soon as possible. He said that all officers and station in-charges should be hypersensitive and curb criminal elements. Take continuous preventive action against goons, miscreants and take legal action against drug, gambling and illegal arms smugglers.

He instructed all the station in-charges to take a walk with the force in the crowded areas, markets and sensitive areas in the evening. Instructions were also given to check suspicious vehicles and people at important places and intersections, keep an eye on anti-social elements, communicate with Nagar Raksha Samiti and eminent citizens, organize awareness seminars in slums to prevent crimes against women and children, remove loudspeakers after meeting with religious leaders to determine loudspeakers at religious places, increase checking to prevent incidents of vehicle theft and burglary.

The Police Commissioner has also said to keep a constant watch on social media.

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