Pet lover assaults victim child’s father, case registered

BMC team was called to catch the dog that had bitten 3-yr-old

Bhopal: In Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh, the incidents of dog bites are continuously increasing in the last several days.

The latest case is of Piplani, Bhopal, where on January 11, a 3 year old child was bitten by a dog. After the dog bit the child, his father had called the Municipal Corporation team to catch the dog. After which the female pet lover beat up the victim and also vandalized the car.

The female pet lover has been accused of assaulting the victim. A case has been registered against the pet lover under several sections. The entire matter is of Piplani police station area. After the matter came to light, the administration came into action and after the complaint, a team reached the spot to catch the dog.

The father of the child says that he had called the Municipal Corporation team to catch the dog. But the pet lover was not allowing the dog to be caught. He told the pet lover that your dog had bitten his child two days ago. The pet lover assaulted me and the team and I lodged a complaint.

Taking action on the increasing incidents of dog bites in the capital Bhopal, Uma Bharti said that a dog sanctuary should be built in the capital. I am giving a proposal to the administration. The government should create a dog sanctuary.

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