NGT directs KSCA to disclose water sources for Chinnaswamy Stadium

Bengaluru, (UNI) The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has set its sights on the Karnataka State Cricket Association (KSCA), demanding comprehensive information about the water sources feeding Bengaluru’s Chinnaswamy Stadium.

This move comes amidst concerns over the utilisation of water for Indian Premier League (IPL) matches, juxtaposed against the prevailing water scarcity in the state.

During the proceedings, the tribunal scrutinised the stadium’s water consumption, highlighting a daily usage of 1,94,000 liters, of which 80,000 liters constitute fresh water. Notably, the NGT initiated the inquiry following reports that the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB), at the behest of KSCA, authorised the provision of treated water to the stadium.

In a recent directive, the NGT, led by Chairperson Justice Prakash Shrivastava, emphasised the necessity for transparency regarding the stadium’s water procurement. It underscored the absence of meters on the four 400-foot deep bore wells, the primary water source for the stadium, raising concerns about unmonitored extraction practices.

Further, the tribunal highlighted the approval for supplying 64,000 liters of treated water daily for non-drinking purposes. It demanded that KSCA furnish details on the bore wells, including extraction quantities and operational timelines, and divulge information about the sewage treatment plant (STP) operational within the stadium.

Responding to the tribunal’s requisites, KSCA sought additional time to compile comprehensive data on its water acquisition procedures. The NGT, acknowledging this request, granted a four-week extension for KSCA to submit detailed reports.

The NGT scheduled the next hearing on August 13, where it anticipates further deliberation on the matter.

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