Language pronunciation tips given to students

  • Guest lecture organized at Sant Hirdaram Girls’ College

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
A guest lecture on the subject of Phonetics was organized by the Language Department of Sant Hirdaram Girls’ College. Its purpose was to teach correct pronunciation of letters, words, symbols, vowels and sentences of the English language.

Sickles trainer Fatima Khan was present as guest lecturer. Subject expert Fatima Khan gave a detailed lecture on the main points of phonetics, its different forms, frequencies, origin of sound in language, analysis of vowels etc. Four elements of phonetics were explained in detail in which derivational forms, diphthongs, sandhyakshars, fluctuations of voice with taal or rhythm, word forms, the style of writing and speaking with short vowels and long vowels and consonants were explained through examples. The vote of thanks was given by Dr. Neha Gupta, Head of the Department of Languages.

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