Glory of Naimisharanya is unparalleled: CM Yogi

Sitapur (UP), Feb 21 (UNI) Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday emphasised the boundless splendour of Naimisharanya stating that its significance echoed across various religious scriptures.

During the inauguration of the Sthapna-Pran-Pratishtha Mahotsav of Sri Sri Jagdamba Raj Rajeshwari Temple and the Chitshakti gate of the new temple, the CM highlighted its reference in revered texts such as the Ramcharit Manas by Saint Tulsidas. “It was here that thousands of sages, guided by Lord Vedvyas, engaged in deep meditation and gave India’s rich heritage of Vedic wisdom and science a written form.”

He mentioned significant events tied to Naimisharanya, such as Maharishi Dadhichi’s donation of his bones during the Devasur battle. “Part of Sati’s tongue had fallen at this place in the form of Lalita Devi. Shaktipeeth, the sacred abode of Maa Lalita Devi and Chakratirtha, is located here. Connecting the dots, Saint Sanmukhanand Puri Ji Maharaj established Rajarajeshwari Temple and Ashram,” he said.

After offering prayers at the site, Yogi underscored the significance of Jagdamba Rajarajeshwari, whose rituals serve as a guiding light for the nation, society, and individual conduct towards public welfare. “Keeping in mind the importance of Naimish Tirtha, the government has taken several steps. Action is underway to develop it as a pilgrimage site,” he said.

Highlighting that religion is much more than just a set of rituals, he emphasised its role in guiding individuals towards virtuous paths. He stressed the universal significance of Sanatan Dharma, stating that as long as it thrives, humanity will continue to progress towards collective welfare.

Reflecting on the spiritual journey of Saint Shanmukhanand Puri Ji Maharaj, who devoted years to meditation along the banks of the river Narmada, the CM noted the tangible fruits of his devotion in the form of the Rajarajeshwari Ashram and temple.

He praised the nationwide initiatives led by Prime Minister Modi aimed at revitalising India’s rich cultural heritage. He highlighted the remarkable transformation of iconic sites like Kashi Vishwanath, Mahakaal, Kedarnath, Badrinath Dham and Ayodhya, which have rekindled the faith of millions of Sanatan Dharma followers after centuries.

Expressing his vision for Naimisharanya, the CM emphasised the importance of restoring its ancient glory, not only for religious reasons but also for economic growth. He underscored the potential for creating employment opportunities for thousands of local youth through the rejuvenation of the pilgrimage site.

Reflecting on the economic boost experienced by traders in Ayodhya post-consecration, he emphasised the trickle-down effect of such developments on all sections of society.

Yogi reiterated the overarching goal of the initiatives spearheaded by PM Modi, which transcends barriers of caste, creed, attire, and cuisine. He emphasized that when every citizen dedicates their efforts and achievements to the service of the nation, India’s ascent as a global powerhouse becomes inevitable.

He stressed the symbiotic relationship between public welfare and national progress, asserting that the two are inseparable and indispensable for the nation’s advancement.

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