Gaganyaan test flight engine fails to ignite 5 secs before lift off : Somanath

Sriharikota (AP), Oct 21 (UNI) TV-D1, the first test flight of unmanned Gaganyaan mission to test the Vehicle Abort System went on hold just five secs before lift off at the SHAR Range here and ISRO Chairman Dr.Somanath.S said the ignition could not happen and that fresh dates would be announced soon after rectifying the anomaly.

Addressing the scientists from the Mission Control Centre after the launch went on hold after the was pushed back by 45 minutes from the earlier scheduled time of 8.00 am, he said the Automatic Launch sequence was initiated but the lift off attempt could not happen today.

“The Automatic Launch sequence was smooth, but the ignition of the engine did not happen”, he added.

He said the launch vehicle was safe.

“We will reach the launch vehicle and study about the non-ignition of the engine”, he said.

“We will come back soon after rectifying the anomaly as to why the onboard computers did not ignite the engine”, Dr Somanath said.

“The launch has been rescheduled and fresh dates will be announced very soon”, he said.

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