Every other American says life was better before Biden – Poll

Washington, (UNI) Almost half of people in the United States believe that their financial well-being has deteriorated since incumbent President Joe Biden took office in 2021, a joint poll by ABC News and The Washington Post showed on Sunday.

The poll found that 44% of respondents believe that their material well-being has degraded since the Biden administration came to power, which is more than during any other US president since the two media launched these polls in 1986.

Only 37% of Americans approve of Biden’s performance as the head of the United States, while 56% disapprove of it. His economic policies are approved only by 30% and migration policies by 23%.

Almost three-quarters (74%) believe that 80-year-old Biden is too old to run for office another time, which is 6 percentage points higher than in May.

The media also said that in the event if another governmental shutdown takes place by the end of the fiscal year on September 31, 40% of Americans would put the blame personally on Biden and on the members of the US Democratic party in Congress.

Amid the decline in Biden’s popularity, former US President Donald Trump’s actions as the state’s head are considered effective by 48% of the population, which is 10 percentage points higher than when he resigned in 2021.

Additionally, 62% of Democrat and Democrat-leaning voters think that the party must “nominate someone other than Biden” to run for office in 2024.

The telephone polling was conducted in English and Spanish from September 15-20 among 1,006 adults, with an error margin within 3.5%.

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