Cong asks PM Modi whether he favours removing 50% cap on reservations

New Delhi, May 1 (UNI) The Congress on Wednesday asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi whether he was in favour of increasing the reservation of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes and supported a Constitution amendment for the purpose.

Addressing a press conference at the AICC headquarters here, party general secretary in charge of communications Jairam Ramesh said, the Prime Minister should clarify his stand instead of constant diversion, distortion and defamation of the Congress party.

He alleged that the BJP wanted to change the Constitution as its ideological ancestors had opposed it since November 1949 when the Draft of the Constitution was adopted.

Ramesh also accused the Prime Minister of distorting the Congress party manifesto by trying to give it a communal colour.

He stressed that the party was clear that it will do away with the fifty percent cap on reservations and asked the Prime Minister to clear his own stand on the issue as to whether he was in favour of removing the cap or against it.

The Rajya Sabha MP strongly denied the PM’s allegation about religion based reservation saying it was a fake charge and asked Modi to point out where the Congress had said in its election manifesto.

On the occasion of the International Labour Day, Ramesh reiterated his party’s commitment towards the labourers and workers pointing out that ‘Shramik Nyay’ (justice for labourers) was one of the important features of the manifesto.

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