Bhopal: The fourth and the final phase of the MP Lok Sabha Elections concluded on May 13. Bharatiya Janata Party workers organized a ‘Havan’ to pray for the ‘abki baar 400 paar’ target of BJP. They performed this ‘Havan’ in the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal on Wednesday.
According to information, ‘Havan’, which is a fire ritual in the Hindu religion which is performed to invoke the blessings of the almighty and pray him to fulfil your desires, was organized by the party workers of Bhartiya Janata Party Chowk Mandal at the Lord Ram temple, located at the Sheetal Das ki Bagiya, Bada Talab in Bhopal.
BJP Chowk Mandal President Ashish Singh Thakur told media, “We performed ‘Vijay Havan’ today for the complete victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party, for a good independent government and for getting 400 seats in the country. We will pray to God that our country gets a strong leader and a strong Prime Minister like Narendra Modi and for this we perform Havan Puja.”
He further said that they would continue to pray to God through different means till the result “Our rituals will continue through different means till June 4, the day results are announced and we will pray to God,” Thakur added.