BJP makes different strategy for each Lok Sabha seat of country

  • This kind of multidimensional election campaign has never been run in country till now
  • BJP has achieved pinnacle of micro management this time

Milind Muzumdar, Indore
The world’s largest democratic festival began on Friday with the first phase of voting. In the first phase, voting took place on 102 seats in 21 states and union territories. The 44-day democratic journey will continue till June 1. The results will be declared on June 4.

Last time, out of 102 seats, India Alliance had won 49 while NDA had won 45. Out of these, there was a contest between Congress and BJP on 36 seats in which BJP won 30 and Congress won 6 seats. This time there is a direct contest between Congress and BJP on 45 of these 102. In the first phase, three union territories and 10 states were completely covered. Voting will take place in the remaining 11 states in the next phases also. Among the 102 seats on which voting took place on Friday, there are Chhindwara, Balaghat, Mandla, Sidhi, Satna and Jabalpur seats of Madhya Pradesh. This time too the elections in the entire country are almost bipolar. On one side is the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) of BJP and its allies, while on the other side is the Indian National Inclusive Alliance (Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance) of Congress and major regional opposition parties. This time BJP has achieved the pinnacle of micro management in the Lok Sabha elections.

The strategy that the party has made in the 2024 Lok Sabha election campaign is unprecedented. Since the first elections in 1952, no party would have run such an election campaign as the BJP is running this time. This time BJP is focusing on each Lok Sabha seat separately and making a different strategy for each seat. For this, apart from the strategists who are experts in fighting traditional elections, a huge team of research and IT equipped with artificial intelligence is working under the leadership of the party’s top strategist, Union Home Minister Amit Shah.

BJP’s election preparations are so multidimensional and comprehensive that other existing political parties in the country cannot even think of doing so.

10 thousand full-time workers were put into elections

BJP has deployed 10,000 full-time workers in the election campaign for the next 100 days. The party is aiming for 50 percent turnout at each polling station. In the 225 Lok Sabha seats where BJP got 50 percent votes in 2014 and 2019, the party has set a target of 65 percent votes this time. State BJP President Vishnu Dutt Sharma clearly told his national president JP Nadda who came to Madhya Pradesh that this time BJP is aiming at 65 percent plus votes in Madhya Pradesh. BJP has identified 19,000 such polling stations in the state where the party has been weak in the last assembly and Lok Sabha elections. BJP is paying special focus on these. Regional Organization Minister Ajay Jamwal, State Organization General Secretary Hitanand’s entire focus is only on polling center management. On the basis of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s popularity, strong polling station management, beneficiary vote bank and social engineering, the party is aiming big in this Lok Sabha elections.

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