5 kg tumor removed from patient’s lungs

  • Successful operation conducted, patient completely healthy

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
A five kg tumor was removed from a patient through a successful operation conducted at AIIMS on Wednesday. Now the patient is completely healthy. The entire treatment was done free of cost under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme. Executive Director of AIIMS Bhopal, Professor (Dr) Ajay Singh has congratulated the entire team for this achievement.

A patient, who was 22 years old, was suffering from cough for a few months and was having difficulty in eating and swallowing. The patient consulted a CT scan in his city. When the scan was done, it was found that there was a huge tumor on the left side of the chest near the lungs.

Relatives of the patient, who were undergoing treatment for breast cancer at AIIMS, advised her to visit AIIMS. When senior cancer surgeon (Dr.) Vinay Kumar at AIIMS saw the patient in the cancer surgery OPD, he was immediately admitted and got a CT scan done. In which it was found that there was a tumor of about 5 kg inside the chest on the left side of the patient, which seemed to be stuck to the food pipe and thick blood vessel (arch of aorta) from the left lung. The operation was quite complicated but keeping in mind the young age of the patient, Dr. Vinay Kumar discussed the case with Cardiothoracic Surgeon (CTVS) Dr. Yogesh Niwariya and formed a team in which Cardiothoracic Surgeon (CTVS) Dr. Yogesh Niwariya, Dr. Harish and Dr. Shikha from the anesthesia department, Dr. Vinay Kumar (Senior Oncosurgery), Dr. Nilesh (Oncosurgeon), Dr. Ankit Jain (Oncosurgery) from the onco surgery team were included and decided to operate the patient and the patient underwent successful surgery and a 5 kg tumor was removed from his chest.

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