Bhopal: Chief Electoral Officer Anupam Rajan announced that the voter list for the upcoming Lok Sabha election in Madhya Pradesh has seen an increase of up to 4 lakh names. Consequently, the total number of voters in the state now stands at 5.65 crore. Among these, there are 2.90 crore male voters, 2.74 crore female voters, and 1228 voters belonging to the third gender category.
In addition, there are over 1.6 lakh voters aged between 18 to 19 years, while 6.9 lakh voters are above 80 years old. Notably, around 2.9 lakh voters aged 85 and above are eligible for the ‘vote from home’ facility. Furthermore, about 5.7 lakh Divyangs have the option to vote from home as well.