Bhopal, Under the guidance of Dadhich Narayan Bhardwaj, Additional District and Sessions Judge, current posting – Joint Registrar (Patna High Court), Raghavendra Singh Raghuvanshi (Assistant Director), Sanecron Technology, Mahesh Kulkarni (CS), and Sushil Kumar Jain, President of Environment, Culture Conservation and Human Welfare Trust, and Vinay Jain (baaudi Kheda), Jahangirabad-based women police station in-charge Shilpa Kaurav was awarded the title of social thinker, in the form of innovation, the police station in-charge and her team.
Her team played an important role in giving a new start to the married life of 60 year old and 54 year old Suman Mishra by Principal Santram Dwivedi and worked to give new direction and progressive thinking to the society.
Sushil Kumar Jain, President of Environment, Culture Conservation and Human Welfare Trust said that the husband and wife who come before the police station in-charge are very sad and distressed.
At such times, the team of the police station in-charge listens to them well and works tirelessly to solve their problems, so that the couple can get justice. On this occasion, Mahila Police Station In-charge Shilpa Kaurav said that in the last year 2023, 1615 cases were reported in the Mahila Police Station, out of which compromises were reached in 617 cases and legal action was taken in 290 cases. 281 cases came before the court for resolution and voluntary separation took place in 16 cases.