Thousands of women take part in walkathon in traditional attire Sari

  • World record made; CM says Sari is a symbol of femininity, dignity and self-confidence

Bhopal: Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav said that the Indian garment saree is a symbol of femininity, dignity and confidence. This is a garment made by India, for India, by India. Like our national flag, the tricolor, saree is also a brand and a strong identity of India. Saree is also a garment that unifies India, which is full of diversity. He said that sarees have different colors in different regions across the country, but the soul is the same. Saree encompasses the diverse colors and cultures of the country. Saree is the dress of every section of the society, it is suitable for every occasion, it is also a symbol of social harmony.

In the special presence of CM Dr. Mohan Yadav, a unique event was organized today in Indore under the Van Bharat Abhiyan with the theme of “Self-reliant women, wearing saree with pride”. In this event, about 40 thousand women participated in the walkathon program in traditional attire (sari). The Chief Minister handed over the provisional certificate of registering this program in the World Book of Records to the Minister of the concerned department, Dilip Jaiswal. Union Minister of State for Textiles and Railways Smt. Darshana Jardosh, Water Resources Minister Tulsiram Silavat, Minister of State for Cottage and Village Industries with Independent Charge Dilip Jaiswal, MP Shankar Lalwani and Ms. Kavita Patidar, Mayor Pushyamitra Bhargava, MLA Mahendra Hardiya, Ramesh Mendola, Public representatives including Mrs. Malini Gaur, Mr. Madhu Verma, Mr. Golu Shukla, Mr. Gaurav Randive were present.

CM hands over appointment letters to 121 Divyangjan

Chief Minister Dr. Yadav also distributed appointment letters to 121 disabled people selected in the employment fair for disabled people organized in Indore on the initiative of Collector Mr. Ashish Singh. Chief Minister Dr. Yadav appreciated the efforts and innovation of Collector Mr. Ashish Singh. He said that today is a special day for us. It is a great pleasure to see disabled people getting jobs in the private sector.

In the program, CM Dr. Mohan Yadav presented the appointment letter to Ms. Sonu Parihar, a girl from village Navlana of Depalpur tehsil of Indore district. Ms. Parihar said that her house was washed away by the flood. Now there is no arrangement for living. He doesn’t even have a father. Mother is earning her living by working as a labourer. Feeling the pain of the girl, the Chief Minister immediately announced to give her one lakh rupees.

Mobile clinic launched for cancer testing

CM Mohan Yadav launched the campaign for cancer testing and treatment by Aurobindo Hospital. Under this campaign, women will be screened for cervical cancer and breast cancer free of cost by Aurobindo Hospital. He congratulated the team of Aurobindo Hospital for this campaign.


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