Tankha and Kunal reach fields and see ruined crop

  • Due to lack of rain in many districts, drought conditions have been created
  • Soybean, groundnut, urad, moong crops getting spoiled
  • Congress says farmers not getting enough electricity

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal,
There is a drought-like situation in many districts of Madhya Pradesh due to lack of rain. The crops of soyabean, groundnut, urad, moong are getting spoiled due to lack of rain. Congress Rajya Sabha MP Vivek Tankha and MLA Kunal Chowdhary took stock of crops getting damaged due to lack of rain. Congress leaders reached the fields at Chorkhedi junction of Kalapipal assembly and saw the damaged soybean crops. The farmers told the Congress leaders that they were not getting enough electricity. Electricity is available only for 4 to 5 hours. The soybean crop has been damaged due to drought-like conditions and lack of sufficient electricity. Due to electricity coming only for 4 to 5 hours, no suitable means of irrigation is being made. Due to which the soybean crop has dried up.

CM only does politics of event

MLA Kunal Chaudhary surrounded the Chief Minister and said that on the one hand there is a false Chief Minister who only does the politics of the event. The condition of the farmer is bad due to drought. Earlier, the situation was the same in wheat also, when the prices were increasing, then the export was stopped. When onion prices were rising, the export was stopped.

Request Chief Minister to come to the fields

Congress leader Vivek Tankha said that Shivraj ji is requested to end the yatras and you and your ministers go to the fields, meet the farmers, inquire about their pain, see their crops, are they getting enough electricity. If it is not coming, talk about it. Traveling in an empty car will not lead to the upliftment of Madhya Pradesh. I want the entire cabinet to pay attention to the farmers at this time, so that some good can be done for the farmers.

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