Bhopal: The BJP high command has called former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan to Delhi, even before the Lok Sabha election-2024 results are announced. This move has raised questions about the purpose behind his visit to the capital. Shivraj Singh Chouhan was a candidate for the Vidisha seat in the Lok Sabha elections. Typically, one would expect him to visit Delhi after the election results are out. However, upon closer examination of the reasons for his early arrival in Delhi, a significant motive has emerged.
BJP mobilizing its top leaders for campaign in Delhi
Delhi is set to conduct voting for seven seats in a single phase, scheduled for May 25. These seats include Chandni Chowk, North East Delhi, East Delhi, New Delhi, North West Delhi, West Delhi, and South Delhi. Except for one seat, the BJP has introduced new candidates for the remaining seats. In an effort to make inroads in Delhi, a stronghold of the Aam Aadmi Party, the BJP is mobilizing its top leaders for the campaign during the Lok Sabha elections-2024.
Shivraj Singh Chouhan has been enlisted as one of the star campaigners by the BJP. Following the conclusion of the voting in Madhya Pradesh, he has been entrusted with the task of campaigning, holding rallies, and conducting public meetings in support of BJP candidates in Delhi.