Ram Temple is national temple, doesn’t belong to BJP: Nath

Bhopal: The State Congress chief, Kamal Nath, launched a scathing attack on the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday, stating that the saffron party is excessively touting the Ayodhya Ram Temple as if it were the “BJP Temple.” He emphasized, “The Ram Temple is a national temple, symbolizing Sanatam Dharma, and does not exclusively pertain to one political party,” in a statement to the media.

Notably, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has confirmed his attendance at the inauguration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya on January 22 of the following year. The upcoming assembly elections in five states, including Madhya Pradesh, are perceived as a rehearsal for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.

Shuns question on Nisha Bangre

When questioned about the possibility of former SDM Nisha Bangre receiving a ticket for the Amla constituency, Kamal Nath avoided a direct response. The former chief minister expressed his confidence in winning the state elections scheduled for November 17, asserting his unwavering faith in the people of Madhya Pradesh to support the truth in the upcoming polls. He stated, “No matter how much the BJP tries to corner me in Chhindwara, I have faith in the people of Chhindwara. They have supported me for 44 years.”

Alliance could have benefitted BJP on some seats

Regarding the failure of an alliance with their INDIA partners, SP and JDU, in the assembly polls, Kamal Nath disclosed that the party engaged in discussions and attempted to allocate seats. However, these talks fell through on seats where the rival BJP might have gained an advantage.

In response to inquiries about the replacement of seven Congress candidates, Kamal Nath denied any claims of dissent and clarified, “There was no resentment. The decision was made based on the preferences of certain candidates who did not wish to contest. Some candidates were dealing with legal issues, and once those were resolved, we made the candidate changes.”

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