Srinagar, (UNI) Amid freezing temperature, a large number of people including tourists gathered near the Ghanta ghar at historic Lal Chowk in Srinagar to celebrate new year eve on Sunday.
The Department of Tourism J&K arranged the celebration of New Year’s Eve at the historic Ghanta Ghar Lal Chowk in Srinagar.
“Tourists from all over the country and the people of the valley welcome 2024 together for a wonderful year ahead!”, Jammu and Kashmir tourism said on X.
A large number of people including women and children adhering to warm garments, gathered for the first time, were seen dancing to the tunes of a music band at the iconic Lal Chowk which was illuminated like a big festival carnival on the new year eve.
The large number of tourists were seen clicking pictures of the night scene which was representing a festive look all around.
The surrounding buildings at Lal chowk were also illuminated adding charms around and represented a glorious view of the new year eve.
The music programme was running live on the big LED screen in Lal Chowk and people were dancing on the tunes enthusiastically.
The historic Lal Chowk was recently renovated under the Srinagar Smart Project (SSP).
The authorities had made elaborate arrangements in the Lal Chowk and adjacent areas to thwart any untoward incident.