Karnataka: Muthalik booked for hate speech, says police

Hubballi, Sep 22 (UNI) Sri Ram Sene founder Pramod Muthalik has been booked for an alleged hate speech against people of other religions, Karnaka police said on Friday.

Muthalik has been booked under IPC Sections 153 (A) for promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion, race and 295 (A) for deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings.

The case has been lodged with the Hubballi Upanagara police station.

The complaint in this regard has been lodged by Assistant Commissioner of the City Corporation Chandrashekara Gowda.

Muthalik had targetted the Anjuman-e-Islami for opposing installation of Ganesha idol at Hubballi Idgah Maidan,

Anjuman-e-Islam, a religious body, had opposed the installation of Ganesha at the Idgah Maidan in the court.

However, the court quashed the petition. The civic body had permitted the Ganesh festival to be celebrated for three days in Idgah Maidan.

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