Chennai, Mar 25 (UNI) Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK President M.K.Stalin on Monday congratulated the United Left Panel on their resounding victory in the JNUSU elections and said the victory signals the downfall of the right wing fascist forces.
He said the people of INDIA will unitedly reject BJP in the coming Lok Sabha polls.
In a social media post, Mr Stalin said “Congratulations to the UnitedLeft Panel on their resounding victory in JNUSU elections!”
“The ABVP’s violent tactics, and even cancelling Left candidate Swati Singh’s nomination at the last minute, revealed their fear of defeat”, he said.
Despite their shameful actions, the JNU community has reaffirmed its rich tradition, he added.
This victory signals the downfall of right-wing fascist forces. The people of INDIA will unitedly reject BJP in the Elections2024, the Chief Minister said.