INDI leaders either on bail or are in jail: Nadda

Rampur (UP), Apr 8 (UNI) BJP National President JP Nadda on Monday while attacking dynastic politics said that the leaders of the INDI alliance are either on bail or are in jail.

Addressing a public meeting at Bharat Garden, the BJP President enumerated a long list and said that the INIDI alliance is completely involved in corruption. “Prime Minister Narendra Modi has promised to send all the corrupt to jail,” he said.

Terming the INDI alliance as the Ghamandiya alliance, he said that earlier there was mafia rule in Uttar Pradesh. “Earlier women and girls were not safe, but now a sense of security prevails in society. Girl students are building their future without any fear,” he said.

Nadda said earlier kidnapping, and extortion used to take place and the people were migrating from there. “Today, the area of Rampur is moving towards development in a fear-free environment. Rampur’s violin is recognised all over the world under One District One Product, whereas once upon a time Rampur was famous for knives,” he said.

He said that it is important for the BJP candidate to win to make Narendra Modi the Prime Minister for the third time by winning more than 400 seats. “This election is an election for the development of the country, an election to develop the country. Today people have got a chance to see good governance,” he said.

The BJP president said that when people tried to divide, Modi said that he would talk about GYAN which means G for Gareeb (poor), Y for youth, A for Annadata (farmers), and N to Nari Shakti (women power). India, which was at 11th place in economy, has reached the 5th place by defeating the Britishers, who ruled the country for 200 years, he said.

He said that while Narendra Modi is talking about sending the corrupt to jail, the alliance is talking about saving the corrupt. Referring to the names of several leaders, he asked whether Mohammad Azam Khan was in jail or not.

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