I-T raids premises of Som Group

Bhopal: In a surprising turn of events, the Income Tax department conducted raids on Tuesday morning at the offices of a prominent liquor conglomerate based in Madhya Pradesh. This operation unfolded simultaneously in Bhopal, Indore, and Jabalpur, occurring just 10 days before the upcoming assembly elections.

The Income Tax department initiated a search operation targeting the Som Group, which is owned by Jagdish Arora. These raids took place during the early hours of Tuesday, covering the premises of Som Distilleries in Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur, and Raisen. Furthermore, searches were carried out in various other cities, including Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Cuttack, and Bengaluru.

The raid extended to over fifty premises, resulting in the confiscation of documents related to potential tax evasion. Additionally, senior officers’ residences within the group were subject to search by IT officials. The Som Group holds a significant position as a leading beverage company in central India. In addition to supplying its products across various cities within the country, it exports to more than two dozen countries, including the United States, New Zealand, Germany, Norway, Britain, and Australia.

This raid is expected to continue for several more days as authorities aim to uncover the precise extent of tax evasion committed by the group.

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