G20 members strongly condemn all terrorist acts

New Delhi, Sept 9 (UNI) The G20 grouping under India’s Presidency on Saturday strongly condemned all terrorist acts against critical infrastructure and vulnerable targets.

The grouping said all acts of terrorism are “criminal and unjustifiable, regardless of their motivation, wherever, whenever and by whomsoever committed.”

As per New Delhi Leaders Declaration, counterterrorism measures, support for victims of terrorism and protection of human rights are not conflicting goals, but complementary and mutually reinforcing.

According to the Declaration, a holistic approach on the basis of international law can effectively counter terrorism. Efforts to increase the effectiveness of international cooperation should be strengthened to deny terrorist groups safe haven, freedom of operations, movement and recruitment, as well as financial, material or political support.

“We condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including those on the basis of xenophobia, racism and other forms of intolerance, or in the name of religion or belief, recognizing the commitment of all religions to peace,” read the Declaration.

“Terrorism constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security,” it said.

The G20 leaders, in the Declaration, expressed concern about illicit trafficking and diversion of small arms and light weapons. They said that international cooperation among States is critical to combat this issue.

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