First test flight of unmanned Gaganyaan crew module escape system on Oct 21

Chennai, Oct 15 (UNI) The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing up to demonstrate its first flight to test the maiden human space mission’s crew module escape system as part of Gaganyaan mission on October 21.

The unmanned test flight mission of the crew module escape system, using ISRO’s heaviest rocket LVM3 will take place from the spaceport of Sriharikota and the preparatory works are underway, according to ISRO Chief S.Somanath.

Preparations for the Flight Test Vehicle Abort Mission-1 (TV-D1), that would demonstrate the performance of the Crew Escape System, are on in full swing at the SDSC-SHAR Range.

“The first unmanned test mission TV-D1 will take place on October 21, which will be followed by three more test flights TV-D2, TV-D3 and TV-D4 to test the systems before the maiden human flight mission”, he said.

Union Minister of State for Space, Science and Technology Jitendra Singh had earlier told reporters in New Delhi that the first of multiple test flights ahead of the Gaganyaan mission–India’s first manned mission to space–will take place on October 21,

The test is intended to test the ‘crew module ’ or the part of vehicle where the Indian astronauts will be housed.

The test involves launching the module to outer space and bringing it back to earth and recovering it after touchdown in the Bay of Bengal.

The Navy personnel have already started mock operations to recover the module, he said, adding, along with the crew module, there will also be a ‘crew escape’ system.

If the spacecraft while ascending into space faces a problem, this escape system is expected to separate and bring the crew safely back to sea from where they will be picked by the Navy personnel.

The Gaganyaan mission is expected to take place in the second quarter of next year.

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