Ensure prompt redressal of people’s complaints: Yogi

Gorakhpur, Jan 1 (UNI) Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday met and heard problems of around 200 people at the Janata Darshan held at Mahant Digvijaynath Smriti Bhawan on Gorakhnath temple premises and assured them of satisfactory solutions.

The CM said that any kind of negligence in disposal of public issues will not be tolerated. He listened to the people gathered at the Janata Darshan patiently, forwarded their prayer letters to the concerned authorities present there and issued necessary directions for the speedy and satisfactory disposal of their issues while at the same time assuring people that no injustice would be done to anyone during his tenure.

He assured those seeking financial help for medical treatment that adequate funds would be provided and no one’s treatment would be hampered for dearth of funds. He directed the officials to expedite the estimation process of the cost of treatment and submit it to the government so that the required funds could be released.

Yogi also directed the officials to resolve matters related to revenue and police with complete transparency and impartiality. He told them to teach a legal lesson to those occupying people’s land forcibly.

When a woman shared the problem of lack of accommodation with the CM he directed officials to make arrangements for the same.

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