Electrical department workers boycott work

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
On the call of Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board Engineers’ Association, a one-day work boycott was organized in the entire state. Electrical department workers reached Shakti Bhawan Jabalpur headquarters, registered their presence and did not work throughout the day due to non-cooperation of the management.

The government has been warned that the 7-point demands should be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise there will be darkness in the entire state on October 4, for which the entire administration and management will be responsible. The Regional Executive met the Energy Minister and gave a memorandum while discussing and demanded that the seven-point demands of the electrical workers who play an important role in the development of the state should be resolved as soon as possible. General Secretary Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board Engineers Association Vikas Shukla has said that today’s movement was successful in the entire state, as a result of the repeated requests of Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board Engineers Association and written assurance in the meeting held earlier in the month of June. Even after this, the electricity workers in the entire state are angry due to non-resolution of their demands till date.

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