Dow Chemical representative appears in court for the first time

  • Next hearing on 25th November, thousands of people lost their lives in the gas tragedy

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
A hearing regarding the gas tragedy case was held in Bhopal District Court on Tuesday. In this case, for the first time after 36 years, a foreign company was present on behalf of Dow Chemical. Now, information has come to light that the next hearing in this case will be held on 25th November.

A petition was filed against Dow Chemical by the gas victims. In a hearing held on Tuesday, the lawyers present on behalf of Dow Chemical presented their arguments and said that Dow Chemical is a foreign company. Their area is not Bhopal, hence this case cannot be tried in Bhopal court. They need some time to provide detailed information. This hearing was held in the court of Vidhan Maheshwari in Bhopal District Court. Senior Supreme Court lawyer Ravindra Srivastava and woman lawyer Siraj Patodiya, who had come here from Delhi, were present on behalf of Dow Chemical. Avi Singh advocated on behalf of the gas victims. Representatives and lawyers from the CBI side also participated in this hearing. First of all, while speaking to Avi Singh present on behalf of the gas victims, he said that Union Carbide had been taken over by Dow Chemical in 2001. In such a situation, the responsibility for the deaths here also lies with Dow Chemical. Due to which, cases should be registered against Dow Chemical. In response to this, the lawyers present on behalf of Dow Chemical presented their views, in which it was said that Dow Chemical is a company outside India and its area is not Bhopal. Along with the lawyers who came from Delhi, Bhopal’s lawyer Sandeep Gupta said that we have put all these aspects before the court and have also sought time from them, through which we will be able to present complete evidence along with our point. After hearing, the court has reserved its decision till October 6.

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