Critical care block will be built in Hamidia

  • Center of Excellence for Orthopedics will also be built
  • Demolition work of old building of Hamidia Hospital begins, preparation on to build two more buildings
  • New OPD block in one, facility for treatment of communicable diseases

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
The facilities are continuously expanding in the state’s largest government hospital located in the capital Bhopal. A 50-bed critical care block will also be built in the hospital for patients suffering from communicable diseases and other serious diseases. In the second building, the Regional Institute of Respiratory Diseases for patients with respiratory diseases and Center of Excellence for Typhoid for patients with bone related diseases will also be built.

Here, the work of demolishing the old building of the hospital has started for the construction of a new OPD. Two buildings of 11 floors will be constructed at this place. A new OPD block will also be built here.

OPD of more than 24 departments will be operated – OPD of more than 24 departments of the hospital will be operated in the new building. With this, patients will not have to go to OPD of departments operating in different buildings for treatment of different diseases. Treatment of infectious diseases in the critical care block. A 50-bed critical care block will be prepared in the hospital for patients suffering from diseases like corona and swine flu. There will be ICU, HDU and general wards, so that the patient can be admitted immediately on reaching the hospital in the ward of the respective category according to the disease.

World class facility for lung treatment

Superintendent of Hamidia Hospital, Dr. Ashish Gohiya said that a world class hospital will be built here for the treatment of lungs. A maximum of 218 patients can be admitted at a time in the Regional Institute of Respiratory Diseases. Two operation theaters and 4 cath labs will also be built. A new building will be prepared after demolishing the building. Two buildings of 11 floors will be constructed. OPD block and two new centers will be prepared in this.

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