Bhopal: Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav made a surprise visit to Central Jail Bhairavgarh. During the visit, he visited the jail hospital, kitchen, prisoner residence, meeting hall etc. During this, he discussed with the prisoners about the facilities provided by the government and after getting information from the Central Jail Superintendent regarding the security arrangements of the jail etc., he gave necessary guidelines.
CM Yadav instructed the Jail Superintendent to ensure timely legal aid and help at the government level for the economically weaker prisoners regarding legal aid in the jail. During the visit to the kitchen, he expressed satisfaction after inspecting the quality of food provided to the prisoners. Necessary instructions were given to the Collector to provide adequate drinking water to the prisoners and to supply an additional water purifier keeping in view the pure drinking water. CM also gave instructions to keep the prisoners other than serious crimes in proper arrangements and to supply adequate health related facilities to the prisoners. For the social rehabilitation of prisoners, proper arrangements for training should be implemented better and arrangements should be made to organize cultural programs by the prisoners and to make the prisoners participating in cultural programs outside the jail also.
During the visit of Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav, Public Relations Commissioner Mr. Sandeep Yadav, Divisional Commissioner Dr. Sanjay Goyal, IG Mr. Santosh Kumar Singh, DIG, Collector Mr. Neeraj Kumar Singh, SP Mr. Sachin Sharma, Jail Superintendent Mr. Manoj Kumar Sahu etc. were present.