CJI Chandrachud inaugurates Ayush holistic wellness centre

New Delhi, Feb 22 (UNI) The Chief Justice of India Justice DY Chandrachud inaugurated the ‘Ayush Holistic Wellness Centre’ in the premises of the Supreme Court of India on Thursday.

The Minister of Ayush and Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Sarbananda Sonowal and Minister of State for Ayush Dr. Munjpara Mahendrabhai, SCBA president Adish Aggarwala, other Judges of the Supreme Court, lawyers and court staff were also present at this occasion.

The CJI, while sharing his personal experience with AYUSH treatments, including Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, during his battle with Covid-19 said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi played a crucial role in facilitating his access to AYUSH treatment when he contracted Covid-19.

CJI said: “The Prime Minister called me when I was down with Covid and arranged for a consultation with an AYUSH vaid. I took the medicine and thereafter did not require allopathic treatment in subsequent Covid infections.”

“For me, the opening of the Ayush wellness centre in the Supreme Court premises is a satisfying moment. I have been working on this ever since I took over as CJI. I am a proponent of Ayurveda and holistic lifestyle,” CJI said.

“I believe it’s important to consider a holistic lifestyle, not just for the judges and their immediate families, but also for the staff members. Through them, we can propagate this message for the rest of the country,” he said. We have over 2000 staff members who will benefit from this, the CJI said.

“On the benefits of traditional Ayurveda, I am deeply grateful to all the doctors and Ayush,” he said.

President of the Supreme Court Bar Associati)on (SCBA) Adish Aggarwala said that the Bar will ensure that every person including the lawyers, judges, court staff, and drivers benefit from this wellness centre. People are struggling to come out of the trauma of Post Covid. This wellness centre will provide holistic treatment to the legal fraternity as well as to their personal staff members to relieve their stress and mental illness, Aggarwala said.

An MoU regarding establishing, operationalizing and providing expert services at the Ayush Holistic Wellness Centre was also signed between the Supreme Court and the All-India Institute of Ayurveda.

The Ayush holistic wellness centre is a state-of-the-art facility providing holistic care addressing physical, mental and emotional well-being, promoting the overall health of the Judges and staff of the Supreme Court of India. The facility has been set up with the active participation of the All India Institute of Ayurveda under the aegis of the Ministry of Ayush.

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