BJP is spoiling communal harmony

  • Congress National President Mallikarjuna addresses gathering
  • BJP is bent on spoiling environment
  • Old pension of employees will be restored

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
National President of the Congress Party Mallikarjun Kharge addressed a public meeting organized in the Central Assembly constituency of the capital Bhopal on Tuesday evening.

He said that the environment of Bhopal is the environment of Ganga-Jamuni culture (Communal Harmony), which teaches everyone to live together. But people of BJP and RSS spoil this environment. The people of Bharatiya Janata Party are among these dividing India but the people of Congress are among the people who are uniting India.

Both Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Narendra Modi are experts in giving speeches, but speeches alone do not fill the stomach. It doesn’t matter to them how many people are hungry in the country, how many people are malnourished in the state, what is the condition of women, their only focus is on how to win the elections.

Describing the work done by Kamal Nath ji during the Congress government in 2018, Kharge said that in the Congress government, loans of 27 lakh farmers were waived off, 1000 cow sheds were built, 100 units of electricity were given, women, youth and farmers were provided facilities. Worked on starting many schemes for tribals, started debt relief schemes for tribal brothers, launched a campaign against adulteration. He said that the Congress government is going to be formed in this election and if the Congress government is formed, women will be given 1500 per month as honorarium, gas cylinders will be given at Rs 500, Rs 500 to 3000 to the youth, Rs 500 to 1500 per month school children will be given along with irrigation to farmers. Old bills will be waived off. We will provide 12 hours of electricity for irrigation, will waive off the loans of farmers and will work on waiving off the cases filed during the farmers’ movement.

He said that Narendra Modi ji had said in the 2014 elections that we will provide 2 crore jobs to the youth every year and reduce inflation, but did not do both these things. People of BJP keep a box of matches in their pockets and set fire to the people of the society by instigating them among themselves. They never talk about convincing people, do not talk about peace, rather they provoke people and mislead them. But we the people of Congress fought for freedom and after fighting for freedom, worked strongly under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru in building the country, Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar gave us a constitution in which rights were given to the poor, Dalits and women.

This election is very special

Kharge said that this election of Madhya Pradesh is very special. I have also come to this area of Madhya Pradesh for the first time. The Bharatiya Janata Party government has been in Madhya Pradesh for 18 and a half years but still they have not fulfilled their promises. In democracy, the aim is not only to win elections, it is also to work together with the people. Congress Party does not make false promises like Bharatiya Janata Party. Our aim is to provide relief to the people and strengthen them. Kharge said that after coming to Madhya Pradesh, our government will end unemployment and control inflation.

Government companies being sold

Kharge said that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru worked to build big factories. We also set up big factories in Madhya Pradesh, which provided jobs to lakhs of people, but today the people of Bharatiya Janata Party are working to sell those same factories and companies. The BJP government is working for the big people and is not ready to take care of the poor. The benefits of reservation are not available to all classes, hence Narendra Modi government and Shivraj government are working to sell government companies, due to which government jobs are not emerging and a large number of people are migrating, due to which unemployment is increasing in the state.

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