New Delhi, May 18 (UNI) Congress’ Lok Sabha candidate from North East Delhi, Kanhaiya Kumar, was attacked during an election campaign in his constituency. Condemning the attack his party said that such dastardly act by the BJP shows desperation and it will not rattle the grand old party.
Kumar was thrashed on Friday by a few people who approached him under the pretext of garlanding him.
On social media X, Congress General Secretary KC Venugopal late Friday said that BJP was resorting to thuggery and violence as it was facing an imminent defeat in the Lok Sabha election.
He said that all workers of INDIA bloc were standing unitedly with Kumar, who was manhandled around 6 pm while he was canvassing among voters of Brahampuri ward no. 229 in Delhi’s Shahdara.
“The BJP is once again resorting to its usual attitude of thuggery and violence in the face of a historic defeat. The cowardly attack by BJP goons on our North East Delhi candidate @kanhaiyakumar is highly deplorable and shows their desperation,” Venugopal said.
“They should know that Kanhaiya is a Congress ‘babbar sher’ (lion) who is not going to be rattled by such pathetic acts. All the workers of the INDIA alliance stand by him against this fascist and criminal regime’s dirty tactics,” the senior leader said.
Earlier on Friday, Kanhaiya Kumar in an election rally said that BJP people wanted to scare him and his supporters by sending goons and assaulting him and his supporters but he was not afraid.
Terming the attack as an indecent act, Kumar said that one can protest in politics, but should not cross the limits of decorum.