11 more dengue patients identified in city

Bhopal: The escalating incidence of dengue is causing growing concern in the city, as this vector-borne disease is spreading rapidly, and the number of dengue patients in the state capital is consistently on the rise. On Wednesday, eleven new cases of dengue infection were reported. As a result, the total number of dengue patients in the city has now reached 673, which is only two fewer than the total number of patients recorded last year. In 2022, a total of 675 dengue patients were identified in the city between January and December.

If this trend of increasing patient numbers continues, it is likely that the number of dengue patients will surpass 800 this year. In response to the rising cases, the survey team from the District Malaria Office is conducting regular visits to affected areas. Additionally, the Bhopal Municipal Corporation’s team members are actively engaged in fogging and pesticide spraying to combat the spread of the disease.

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