JDS leader HD Revanna files pre-arrest bail in sex scandal

Bengaluru, May 2 (UNI) HD Revanna, a prominent leader of the JDS, embroiled in a sex scandal alongside his son Prajwal, has submitted a plea in the Sessions Court for pre-arrest bail.

This move comes a day after the Special Investigation Team (SIT) affixed a notice outside his residence, summoning him in connection with the case.

The appeal was lodged on Thursday, at the Sessions Court in Bengaluru, with the case adjourned for further proceedings scheduled for the following day.

The controversy erupted after a trove of explicit videos and images, purportedly linked to Prajwal, surfaced on social media platforms, prompting the Karnataka government to form a Special Investigation Team at the behest of the Karnataka State Commission for Women.

According to the complaint, the victim has alleged sexual assault by both Prajwal and his father, Revanna, who holds a significant position within the party hierarchy. Notably, Prajwal is the grandson of the JDS supremo and former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda.

Revanna, acknowledging the notice served by the SIT, asserted, “I am aware of the notice served; I am prepared to cooperate fully with the investigative authorities.”

Meanwhile, Prajwal, currently residing abroad, has requested additional time to present himself before the SIT concerning the alleged dissemination of obscene material.

In a press briefing, Karnataka Home Minister Dr G Parameshwara disclosed that a lookout notice has been issued in connection with the case, underlining the gravity of the situation.

The scandal has reverberated through the political landscape, particularly as the BJP is in coalition with JDS in Karnataka. State BJP leaders have distanced themselves from the controversy, with Prajwal facing suspension from his party.

HD Kumaraswamy, the JD(S) Chief and uncle of Prajwal, emphasised that no leniency would be shown to anyone found guilty of criminal acts, further intensifying the political ramifications of the scandal.

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