Action plan will be prepared for counting of votes

  • Review meeting to be held today, responsibilities of workers to be decided

Chronicle Reporter, Bhopal
BJP will have a review meeting today to prepare an action plan for counting of votes along with the work done in the Lok Sabha elections. In this, a discussion on who did what during the elections and deciding the responsibilities of workers by preparing an action plan for counting of votes on June 4 will take place.

National Co-Organization General Secretary Shiv Prakash, Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav, State BJP President Vishnudutt Sharma and State Organization General Secretary Hitanand will be present in the meeting at the State BJP office. In the meeting, information will be taken about the party’s campaign from the voting held on all 29 Lok Sabha seats.

State BJP President VD Sharma said that before June 1, all 38 departments of Lok Sabha and Assembly Election Management Committee, Lok Sabha candidates and core committee, assembly coordinators, in-charges and expansionists have been asked to collect information by holding a meeting.

According to party sources, it has been the tradition of BJP to do a review after the Lok Sabha elections. In the meeting, a decision will be taken about the leaders involved in anti-party activities during the Lok Sabha elections. For this, the state president and the organization general secretary have also sought information about such leaders from the district presidents. Sources said that first the leaders who remained indisciplined will be warned by sending notices, if they still do not obey, then action will be taken to expel them from the party.

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