CM KCR appears “unsettled”: Observes Tarun Chugh

Hyderabad, Aug 22 (UNI) Tarun Chugh, the BJP National General Secretary and Telangana Incharge, has remarked that the unveiling of a list containing 115 candidates by Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR) for the upcoming assembly elections underscores an unprecedented sense of unease on KCR’s part, a sentiment hitherto unseen since the formation of Telangana.

In anticipation of the announcement made yesterday, sweeping assertions had been made about substantial changes and considerable exclusions of MLAs. Most of these MLAs have been burdened with severe allegations of corruption and disconnection from their constituencies, Chugh stated in a media release issued on Tuesday.

However, the list unveiled by KCR, which essentially re-nominates nearly all MLAs except for 7 constituencies, has left the populace astounded at KCR and his party’s apparent shamelessness. A few days ago, during a meeting with BRS MLAs, KCR had cautioned them that he possessed evidence that around 20 MLAs were involved in accepting 30% bribes in the Dalit Bandhu scheme. If this assertion held any truth, the list should have included at least 20 new candidates. This conspicuous absence of changes in the list implies an implicit endorsement of MLA corruption by KCR.

Chugh characterized the recently announced list as a reheated, stale dish, unappetizing to the public. The content and presentation are both unoriginal.

Public sentiment is growing weary of the rampant corruption and increasingly incensed at the KCR administration’s audacious dishonesty. Chugh attributed this to KCR’s own corrupt disposition and lauded his innovation in fraudulent practices.

Chugh critiqued BRS as not just corrupt but also hypocritical. He pointed out that despite KCR’s daughter and BRS leader Kalvakuntla Kavitha staging a protest in New Delhi for 30% reservation for women in assemblies and parliament, the list of 115 MLAs announced by KCR included only 4 women. This inconsistency underscores the party’s hypocrisy.

Chugh also labeled KCR as opportunistic, referring to his political alliances as fleeting and self-serving. KCR’s penchant for using and discarding people for his advantage was exemplified in his actions during the separate Telangana Movement.

Chugh highlighted the growing anti-incumbency sentiment across Telangana. He stated that the people, spanning various demographics including the unemployed, students, farmers, backward classes, scheduled castes, and scheduled tribes, are increasingly discontented with the current government. Chugh declared that the BJP would stand with the people of Telangana to fulfill their aspirations and work towards a government free of corruption and dynastic influences.

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