Bhopal: A 36-year-old woman bank employee allegedly committed suicide on the day of her marriage anniversary in Awadhpuri locality on Monday. She has also left a suicide note in which she wrote “I fought hard but there is nothing left in my life, I am defeated by the circumstances”. According to police, deceased Preeti Tigga, a female employee of bank, was living in Surbhi Homes, Avadhpuri, who committed suicide by hanging herself in her house at 7 am on Monday. Sunday was her 6th wedding anniversary.
Police have found a suicide note from the spot. In which she wrote that there was nothing left in life, she has been defeated by the situation. The police have registered a case and started further investigation. Preeti, (36), wife of David Khakha, was posted as clerk in the bank. Since last few days she was on leave. Her husband David told that he is posted in the Audit Department of CAG and basically hails from Jabalpur
He met Preeti in the year 2016. After being in a relationship for a year, both got married on October 16, 2017. Both have two sons, Steph (3) and 6-month-old Austin. Austin was born too early due to premature delivery. Preeti was in depression after the delivery. She expected that the younger son would remain short in height due to premature delivery. After her delivery, she kept searching on YouTube for videos of children with such cases and always talked negatively about their second child.
Under this stress, she committed suicide by hanging herself. She was also undergoing treatment for depression. David says that the police found a suicide note left by Preeti which has been confiscated. It is written in the note that there is nothing left for me, I have lost the situation. At the time of my delivery, when I needed blessings, I was kept on medication. Due to this my son was born premature. David, please take care of my both children.