TN Govt recognises, approves Samsung India Workers Union

Chennai, Jan 28 (UNI) The Tamil Nadu government has recognised the Samsung India Workers Union (SIWU) formed after a spate of prolonged protests and month long by 1,500 workers pressing their charter of demands, which was later called off about three months back.

The Labour department has approved the registration of SIWU which has the backing of the Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU).

The registration certificate of the Samsung India Thozhilalargal Sangam was issued by the Joint Commissioner of Labour after the Madras High Court asked the State government on December 5, 2024, to take a decision on the SIWU’s registration within six weeks.

The certificate of Registration of the Trade Union was issued on Monday evening.

It said “it is hereby certified that the Samsung India Thozilalargal Sangam in Kancheepuram Town, Kancheepuram Taluk, Kancheepuram District, has been registered under the Trade Unions At, 1926, this day (January 27,025).

It said the Certiicate of REgistration/License or Renewal should be displayed in a conspicuous place in the premises where the lincensee carries on business.

The workers had applied for the registration in June 2024, but the process was delayed even after submitting of relevant documents, triggering protests by the workers.

The workers eventually ended their stir in October after the Samsung management after various rounds of negotiations, had agreed to consider their demands that included no punitive action against the protesting workers, no wage cuts for the period of protests, and a commitment from Samsung to submit written replies to the workers’ demands before the conciliation officer.

CITU sources said the registration of Union was a victory for the Samsung workers.

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